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We worry about our pets when we leave them on their own while we’re out, but what about when they’re right there with us: spending time outdoors, playing at the park, on a walk?
Invisible, dangerous diseases that can be debilitating, or deadly, if your pet is not vaccinated.
Vaccinations can help protect your puppy, dog, kitten or cat from some extremely dangerous and contagious diseases in the animal world.
If you’re thinking your unvaccinated pet will be safe from diseases simply by avoiding sick pets, think again. Unfortunately, infectious viruses and bacteria can be left behind where a sick animal coughed or sneezed and if your pet then sniffs or licks that area soon after, they may be vulnerable to infection.
After your pet’s initial course of injections, it’s important they receive an annual booster vaccination. Not only will the yearly appointment give you an opportunity to chat with your vet and discuss any other health or behavioural concerns you may have, it’ll help ensure you and your four-legged friend continue to live a long and happy life together!
Vaccinations contain inactive strains of certain viruses or bacteria and help your pet’s immune system create antibodies to fight off the same virus or bacteria should they ever come in contact with it again.
In Australia, dog vaccinations help protect your dog or puppy from:
In Australia, cat vaccinations help protect your cat from:
If you’re the parent of a new puppy or kitten, they’ll require three initial vaccinations at eight, 12 and 16 weeks of age. From then on, they’ll require a yearly health checks and booster vaccination for life, to ensure they’re fully protected.
After their first vaccination, it’s considered safe for your pup to visit controlled environments, like puppy school, as long as all other puppies are all vaccinated and wormed. It is advised to avoid socialising your puppy with any unvaccinated dogs until at least five days after their third vaccination. Kittens should be kept indoors until they’re fully vaccinated.
If other dogs have been fully vaccinations and are up-to-date, the socialisation is encouraged.
If you’re unsure about your pet’s vaccination status, chat with your vet for a recommendation.
The common types of vaccinations for dogs include:
C5 Dog, covering parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, bordatella
The C5 vaccination is the most common option for puppy owners and required by most boarding kennels and dog clubs.
The common types of vaccinations for cats include:
F3, covering enteritis, calicivirus and rhinotracheitis, F4, covering enteritis, calicivirus, rhinotracheitis and chlamydiosis FIV